Can a chiropractor diagnose nerve damage?

A chiropractor will be able to diagnose a pinched nerve and determine the cause of the problem. They will likely perform a series of manual and diagnostic imaging tests to get a better idea of what's going on in your body. At ASFCA, we understand that living with numbness and nerve pain can be exceptionally difficult for you and your loved ones. However, you don't have to keep struggling with this burden.

Let the ASFCA team help alleviate your numbness and pain and provide you with peace of mind. Our chiropractic doctors are great at diagnosing nerve pain. We know from experience that there are many causes for nerve dysfunction and neuropathy. Therefore, our mission is to help our patients by treating numbness, pain and symptoms at their origin, the nervous system.

Your chiropractor will do everything they can to diagnose and treat sciatica, and they are often successful. When you visit the chiropractor for the first time, they will perform a physical exam to determine the most likely cause of your pain and will base your treatment plan on the results of the exam. In some cases, the doctor may require surgery to repair damaged nerves, but chiropractic has been found to help reduce these symptoms in most people with neuropathy. Conservative treatment under the care of a chiropractor often provides a significant relief of symptoms.

However, chiropractors are extremely skilled at understanding the inner workings of the body and how everything is connected. The goal of chiropractic adjustments is to decrease pressure on nerves to reduce pain, improve range of motion, increase joint and disc stability, restore muscle function, and promote healthier tissue repair through increased blood flow due to better nutrition thanks to proper alignment. While chiropractors are realistic and understand that they cannot cure diabetes, if spinal misalignment is causing a nerve to be restricted, they have incredible confidence in their ability to help you fully recover. Once the underlying condition is diagnosed, the chiropractor can design a treatment plan to eliminate irritation, correct misalignments that cause pressure and restore proper nerve function.

During a chiropractic adjustment, the chiropractor realigns the spine and vertebral joints to ensure their proper functioning. Chiropractic care can help align the muscles and nerves of the spine, allowing the nervous system to work effectively to irrigate nerves and alleviate muscle pain in patients with diabetes. Chiropractors firmly believe that the body is a self-healing organism, and chiropractic care naturally helps it achieve smooth and efficient functioning.

Most of the time, your chiropractor will continue to treat you and he or she will work hand in hand with the other specialist to treat your disorder.

Chiropractors practice a practical, drug-free approach to health care that focuses on the body's nervous system. That is, if you are suffering from knee pain, your chiropractor will look up at your quadriceps and hips.

While there are always underlying problems related to nerve pain (such as a herniated disc or subluxations of the lumbar spine in the case of sciatica), chiropractors can help alleviate pain. Chiropractic care helps address these issues with adjustments that help realign the joints of the vertebrae. and to reduce pressure on nerves, repairing them over time. For example, chiropractors tend to observe a pain symptom and then follow it upstream or downstream.