Can chiropractor damage your spine?

Compression of the nerves of the lower spine. A certain type of stroke after neck manipulation. Conclusions Spinal manipulation, especially when performed by a Chiropractor in New Jersey on the upper spine, is often associated with mild to moderate adverse effects. It can also lead to serious complications, such as vertebral artery dissection followed by a stroke. The incidence of these events is currently unknown.

For the sake of patient safety, we must reconsider our policy on the routine use of spinal manipulation. Spinal manipulation can result in neck and back injuries. In some cases, poor chiropractic care can even lead to a stroke. Vertebral artery dissection, spinal stenosis, and herniated disc are just a few of the injuries that have been associated with negligent chiropractic adjustments.

Research shows that these injuries are more common than you think, especially among older people. A report found that the adverse effects of chiropractic manipulations occur in up to 61 percent of patients. Instead of going to another chiropractor and running the risk of further injury, you should see an orthopedist who can evaluate your symptoms and keep you under observation for a possible disc injury. Spinal manipulation had been performed by orthopedic surgeons (50%), physical therapists (14%), chiropractors (11%), or other health professionals.

If you or a family member were injured by a chiropractor, contact Kanoski Bresney to discuss your legal options. If you or a loved one were harmed by a chiropractor, you may be able to sue and recover monetary compensation. On the other hand, skill is a quality that is not easily controlled in this type of research; even some chiropractors may be more skilled than others. Homola is a second-generation chiropractor who has dedicated himself to defining the proper limits of chiropractic and educating consumers and professionals about this field.

In all of these cases, neurosurgeons found damage to the arteries near the upper vertebrae that supply blood and oxygen to part of the brain. Victims of chiropractic negligence may be entitled to compensation for the physical and non-physical consequences of negligent medical care. Chiropractors may argue that it takes years of experience to learn the fine psychomotor control that is required to perform specialized manipulations. The therapists involved are mostly chiropractors; this predominance is probably due to the fact that these therapists use spinal manipulation more frequently than other professionals.

In 22 cases (published in 20 articles), the therapists were chiropractors (tables 9 to 28), while in 10 cases (published in nine articles) they were other health professionals (table). Virtually all chiropractors use spinal manipulation regularly to treat low back pain and other musculoskeletal pain. What seems to happen is that certain manipulations performed by chiropractors, especially those that involve a forced rotation of the neck to one side, can overstretch an artery that runs through the spine. These ill-informed patients may insist that their spine be broken every time they go to the chiropractor, prompting the chiropractor to repeat the adjustment with greater force, thus running the risk of the doctor failing and injuring the patient.

While the sound of a click is usually harmless, injuries can occur when a chiropractor is forced to use all the force necessary to produce the coveted clicking sound.